Speaking in Tongues "Light Language" Activation's
Welcome to the Language of Light Activation Library!
What is Speaking in Tongues "Light Language"?
Speaking in Tongues is an Ancient Language from the Stars.
If you are from the Caribbean/Diaspora you have probably seen your Mother/Grandmother/Aunts (Mostly Feminine, but not limited to) speaking in Church as the "Holy Spirit" came over them and they were anointed with Healing Power through speaking in tongues and ecstatic dance/movements/convulsion that assisted in their power of transmutation. If you came from the Church or that background you have seen Miraculous Healing's take place with Light Language. The Holy Ghost was the energy of GOD coming through the channels of the body and once the person tapped into their power to wield this energy, profound healing of the mind, body and Spirit took place.
Light is what we are created from and into Light we will go when we have transcended our Sacred work within many Dimensions of space and time. The First sound that God made was OM; Light is the sacred code of the Divine Source Creator. Every Being of Light speaks their unique "tongue"; Language of Light within their own unique expressions of it. This means, Dear Ones, that you come from the Stars. Among your Star Lineage you have a unique code of light in which you speak and that "tongue" heals and activates based on your Soul's Purpose.
Because we are in a dense reality/stimulation we are the only Beings within our Milky Way Galaxy and beyond that do not "naturally" speak the Language of the Stars but this will begin to change soon! On Earth, we express our Light in different ways, through our voice/tone and through our energetic body. The upgrades happening this year and years to come is the attunement of the voice and switching on our "Sacred Tongue" or "Mother Tongue".
It has been a while since I have wanted to create a sound Library where I can go deeper within my Activation work and incorporate my unique Mother's Tongue. Within my sacred tone and my Soul Purpose I work with the Activation/Healing of the Human body and Spirit. I was guided by the Divine Mother to start using a new attunement that I was given a few years ago when I was visited by the Divine and was told that my sacred medicine would soon change. This attunement carries much sharper frequencies and codes that will assist your metamorphosis into higher timelines of light consciousness. 2024 and Beyond is a MASSIVE time of change especially to the body; so this birthing came right on time like everything with Spirit usually is!
These codes will sound "funny" or "weird" if you haven't heard them before and if you have they may sound a bit sharper and more potent. Some feedback that I have gotten over the years of using light language is that you will begin to see/communicate and be in right relations with your Star Families. You will begin to see your past lives among the Stars and really begin to communicate and bridge a connection to your Ancient Lineage and Ancestors.
My intention with making this Light Language Library is to assist with the re-writing of the codes of light within the body. My intention is to assist with healing, and recalibration of the HUman body into higher embodiment of functioning and BEING. This is who and what I do among the Stars. I work very closely with the Arcturians, Lyrans, Siriuns and the Divine Mother.
It is such an honour to be here with you all again in the greatest shift in the History of Creation.
So much Love and Light Beloved Star Family
***Beloveds, I advise you to listen with headphones and turn down the volume, when I do Light Language it is channelled so it will sound loud, impactful and sharp! Beware of the "abrupt" Language of Light when it comes in!***

New Earth Chakra Series
Purchase individual chakra activations or the whole series!
Intro to New Earth Chakras

Beloveds, I am so excited to bring you the New Earth Chakra Series!!
2021 is really propelling us into a new timeline and paradigm; a completely new embodiment in ALL ways. Everything has changed and this includes the Human body and its "functioning". As we awaken our 12 strand DNA to embody the 12 dimensions of consciousness we will now be tapped into, our body and chakras are changing in frequency to the amount of light we are now able to hold and access.
The Chakras are a vortex/portal of energy that functions every part of our physical and mental body. It's an Ancient Energy System that has been used and known for Eons. In India, they are known as Chakras while in Ancient Egypt they were known as life force disk of Source energy. They are 7 main chakras that are known but in theory, they’re hundreds of Chakra points all over the body which are also known as meridian points. Chakras were “created” so Higher communications through the body could be accessed. this was to connect us to God, our Teams of Light and higher dimensional energies which can be reached when we have connected to the deeper knowing/aspects of ourselves, emotions, traumas, and belief systems; this is where we can link to infinity within our cells/energy. The 7 chakras deal with the energetic health of our physical and mental body and each Chakra deals with a certain system/organs in the body (Karmic Connections (3D) The Chakras are a living embodiment of the Universe in our physical body and was created as a communication device between us and Star Families.
With the switch to higher consciousness, our bodies now have to have a new "higher" operating system to traverse all 12 dimensions of higher world embodiment so who we are among the Stars are now being activated within our bodies! This is HUGE!
A few years ago I had a beautiful session with Earth Keeper Selina Mu and she introduced me to the energies of the New Earth Chakras and I have been researching and tapping in to expand on this beautiful wisdom by my Dear Sistar!
I introduce to you, the New Earth Chakra system for the Embodied Starseed!
New Earth Chakras

When I first heard about the return of the chakras from Earth Keeper Selina Mu I was in a deep journeying where I saw the shift and the transformation of the Chakras into Higher Timelines. She felt guided to tell me about them and I was to go deeper within the teaching that Source Creator wanted me to go with them. I thank my Beloved Ancient Sistar for awakening my role in this metamorphosis.
As we ascend this means how our body functions MUST change as well. This also means our sacred healing systems such as the Chakras will begin to open up to their FULL functions and capabilities to access a greater amount of Light.
This series is from Spirit, Source, GOD, The Elohim and our Teams Of Light. This is to awaken your newly functioning sacred portals to aid in your Ascension and your embodiment as a Starseed on Earth!
With so much Love, I give you, The New Earth Chakras!

Buy the Whole Series!
Purchase the whole series as a downloadable zip file. The zip file includes all 9 new earth chakra activations as well as the 2 introductory audio files.
It is best to click the download link on a desktop or laptop to download and extract the zip file. If you do not have a desktop or laptop, please reach out to info@motherofstarkeeping.com for assistance.

Hi, Beloveds!
Welcome to the Siriun Code: Body of New Creation Activation Series!
Beloveds, this sacred project has been one that I have been thinking of creating for years but it wasn't aligned to be created, until now! We are in the greatest shift on Mama Tara and this shift is accelerating our bodies into a completely new format with how our bodies move and function as we become grounded and embodied Light Beings of New Earth. I have been guided to create an Activation Series for the BODY that will assist in our Metamorphosis and assist the next phase of our Becoming! You may have noticed the increase in energies these last few years, heck, these last few weeks! With these upgrades, our body and mind are getting an overhaul of massive proportion and need the support to aid the shift now happening on this Planet. My intention is to assist the Starseeds of Earth to be embodied, present and ROOTED in their magic and power; this is our time to show up and show out Divine Ones. You are the BEST of the BEST here on Planet Tara; let's step into faith and courage to be who we are meant to be, fully embodied!
This offering has been a process to create as I have been feeling the shift within my body and having MASSIVE downloads and Activations with what is happening to the Light Warriors these next 3-13 years. I am seeing the great upgrade within our Avatar as it is going through a massive metamorphosis as we click into our new Higher Timeline "system" upgrade. Our body plays a huge role not only in keeping us grounded in this Dimension but it will be the guiding force we need to live, thrive and align in a completely new paradigm of higher consciousness and way of being. Our emotional and mental templates are changing as we REMEMBER who we are; with this upgrade, our bodies are upgrading as well. This program is to assist the body to "act" or better yet ALIGN into its natural state of functioning! In a 3D Paradigm, we are limited in all ways and function at base capacity; this is all changing as our DNA, who acts as the Conductor activates our awakening. We are doing the work to HEAL generations of pain, trauma, shadow and programmings and at times this will be felt deeply and profoundly in our bodies and can be painful and uncomfortable. You will see Disease(s) that your lineage has fought for lifetimes begin to clear with your rewiring. Sickness that can no longer exist within you or your timeline because your DNA is being "rewired" or "turned on" for you to exist consciously within many different paradigms, dimensions, realities; for you to be the new Human embodiment of New Earth. This is our Sacred Medicine to New Earth.
These Siriun Codes of Light will assist our Body's Evolution.
So, what is going on with the Body? Have you been feeling this IMMENSE buildup and pressure within your body these last few years? Weeks? Days? Have you been needing more Rest? Sleep? Downtime? What is coming up with your EGO? Shadow? This "pressure" is a part of the profound upgrades and shift happening as we speak.
Our bodies have been on an accelerated trajectory and these next few years will activate our human potential even further. How our bodies have assisted us for EONS in a 3rd Dimensional Paradigm is now returning back to LIGHT, MAGIC and ALCHEMY! I have always been fascinated with the Body and always knew that our bodies could do so much more than we were programmed to believe. This is why I felt guided to create an Energy Guide along with my Light Team to assist the body to be and function at its highest and best capabilities!
Thank you Beloved Teams of Light for your guiding light and wisdom to assist and aid us along our journey.
Welcome Message
The Siriuns are a 5th Dimension Star Race of Light! Not the Sirius that you see from Earth but the Sirius that is millions of Light Years away from our Galaxy. I call the Siriuns the Architects of the Human body; they assisted in the creation of the body you are currently in! Your Genetic makeup and how your body FUNCTIONS are thanks to our teams of Light The Siriuns with the Assistance from the Galactic Federation Of Light who are a group of Star Beings from all reaches of the Universe have been ordained by GOD to be the Regenesis Team of New Earth.
That's a lot right?! Let me break it down:
You are a part of the greatest project in our Universe's Herstory. We heard the call to not only assist Mama Earth in her rerouting but to also assist the awakening to higher consciousness while being an embodied Human. THIS IS A BIG DEAL. We knew that we were going to come down to a planet that was not only dense in energy but that would not be conducive to our 5th and higher bodies of Light. The project on Earth was to REMEMBER that we are so much more than we believe ourselves to be. So, a body was to be created that would assist Earth Humans but in time shapeshift to assist the body to switch on in time to higher dimensional light. There was a team formulated by the Elohim to be the Creators, Guides and Engineers of this Creation. You, Dear Ones are also a part of the Divine Teams of Creators, Guides and Engineers of this Earth Project.
The Siriuns have been a Guide and Ancient friends in my awakening. As a Healer, I have always called on my Beloved Teams of Light to assist, remind, and guide me with my healing gifts. Whenever I am in doubt I call upon my teams of light to show me the perceived illusions with the body and move me deeper into the Light frequency of how the body truly functions instead. We have a physical body, yes, but everything within our vessel runs on a frequency. Once that frequency is MASTERED, you are the God Creator of not only your phenomenal body but of the realities, timelines and dimensions your body exists within. You are Multidimensional and work interdimensional with many different Star races and Beings of light from the furthest reaches of our Universe. YOU are the ground crew, working on site.
The Siriuns are calm, gentle and introspective Teachers and Guides. They know we are awakening to some really deep stuff and make sure that we are okay and feel safe within our bodies. They make it simple. They speak and move from pure LOVE and such gentle kindness to make sure we are always guided and have the aid we need. They say "Call on Us" we have always been here. We are in the depths of your Meditation, Prayer, Stillness and in your Peace. They are the gentle soothing energies when you are tired and don't think you can go on. They are always working with your body to watch the upgrades happening within you; so call on them if you need help, reprieve, or just love and gentleness at this time.
Who Are The Siriuns?
The Morphogenetic Field and the Auric Field:
The energy fields around your body are a Grid, Generator and Activator. Because you are energy at any given time through your day you can attract HUNDREDS of different types of energies, parasites and imprints in your field. These attachments can come from Social Media (especially if you are a teacher, healer, way-shower etc.), everyone that has come into your field consciously or unconsciously can leave an imprint on you. It can be a thought-form, projection of their fear, trauma, shadow, inner child, Psychic attack, ill will, spells and even curses. This is why through experience it is vital for you to have a physical, mental, and spiritual hygiene and to have a clearing ritual to cleanse, solidify and repair your field MULTIPLE times a day. If you are an Empath which most if not all of you reading this are; this is important. I've created an energy cleans for your daily clearing ritual!
The 7 layers of your Auric Field:
1. The Etheric Layer is closest to the body and is governed by the Root Chakra. It governs the Bones, Muscles etc. You can see this layer easiest if you stand in front of a white wall
2. The Emotional Layer is governed by the Sacral Chakra and can be seen as multi-coloured, based on your emotions
3. The Mental Layer is governed by the Solar Plexus and represents thoughts, cognitive processes and state of mind
4. The Astral Layer and is governed by our Heart Chakra. Can really be felt and seen when we are in deep love and intimate states of passion
5. The Etheric Template is connected to the Throat Chakra and this layer represents the entire blueprint of the body that exists on this physical plane
6. The Celestial/Casual Layer is governed by the Third Eye Chakra and is where most of you who are Spiritual/Intuitive connect mostly from. Connection to GOD and your Light Teams
7. Spiritual or Ketheric Template and is the strongest layer that protects and communicates with all other layers. Hold information from your Higher timelines, past lives etc. Connected to the Crown Chakra
Some other ways to clear your Auric field: Nature/Earth, Water, Fire, Holy Smoke (Sage, Incense, Resins etc), Deep Breathing, Sleeping and REST to allow your body to regenerate itself. Intention, Ancestral help, calling in your Family of Light (AA Michael, Metatron, Dragon Tribe, Panther, Snake, Elephant, Eagle just to name a few are amazing clearing and protective medicines. The Arcturians, Lyrans, Pleiadians, Andromedians Nuberians are great Guides and can assist in clearing. Working on emotional issues, inner child work, shadow work and releasing old timelines of self-defeating believes. Self-love and confidence.
In this energy attunement, we will start with sweeping your Auric field of all cording's, attachments, rips, worn-out programmings and misalignments.
The Morphogenetic and Auric Fields

As we ascend we cannot leave the body behind. The Body is creating Herstory in how it will aid us and Shapeshift into the Avatar of our dreams; literally!
Let's begin with the Organs of the lower body! The Root of the Body governs the conscious JUMP into many different Timelines, Realities and Dimensions; this New Earth ability and capabilities rev's the system and uses a lot of "juice" (energy). Making sure that we are not draining our bodies of vital energy means that we have deep work to do here like Inner Child, Shadow, and Trauma Work. The Root governs the organs that assist us with our foundation. This energy sequence will assist the Feet, Knees, Hips, Pelvic and Lower Back.
Also, The Adrenals Gland, Colon, Kidneys, Muscles, Skeletal, Arterial Blood (Left chamber of Heart), Oxygen and Blood/tissue.
The Adrenals Gland governs our Hormones and helps us produce them. It also helps us regulates our metabolism, Immune System, Blood Pressure and our response to stress. These small but POWERFUL glands are assisting us with the metamorphosis of how our body "runs". It governs the most powerful systems within the body thus, assisting us to hold more light. Holding more light means that these organs are also becoming multidimensional in their functions. What is happening now is a massive "clearing out" of a lot of density/programming's from these organs when it comes to Fear and Trauma.
The Kidneys are about Fear and sits underneath the Adrenals Glands. The Kidneys deal with inspiration, reflection and in Ancient times was considered the "Life Centre". Which past Life left an imprint of incredible fear within your consciousness? How is your relationship to Death? If you were given a choice to have the life of your dreams but you would have to face these fears head on, would you? What are your everyday stressors?
The Muscles/Skeletal Systems hold coding's of our makeup and Ancient Wisdom. If we are frigid in our mind and body this affects the muscles and in time it loses its agility and when this happens this is where we feel stuck in life, body and mind. What are you being called to do but aren't doing? What thought-form is Ancestral that you need to change? Your diet? Belief system? Programmings?
I will speak about the Heart later on!
Oxygen is fundamental in the body. When you get a check-up when you aren't feeling well the first thing that they will test along with your vitals is your Oxygen levels. Oxygen is what makes everything run in your body, it gives life/energy to your cells. This is the "Tree of Life" that runs your system. Our Oxygen becomes Crystalline as the tree of life frequency changes within us as we ascend.
Our Blood gives life to EVERYTHING. Blood is the Mother she runs through every system, cell, organ of our body. Our Blood will continue to hold vital nutrients but also an accelerated amount of Light Codes to assist the system of the Body in its new functions.
You are purchasing The Body: Regenesis as a downloadable zip file. The zip file includes 6 body activations audio files. It is best to click the download link on a desktop or laptop to download and extract the zip file. If you do not have a desktop or laptop, please reach out to info@motherofstarkeeping.com for assistance.
I heard someone describe the Womb as the Mystery of all Mystery Schools; how profound is that?! I have been speaking about the extraordinary Power that is the Womb, especially in this lifetime because of the "return of the embodied Sacred Feminine", for years. The Womb space holds incredible Nu Creation Codes that assist in bringing back Ancient wisdom into this Paradigm. The Womb also holds the Akashic of the Universe; It is COSMIC wisdom! This is incredible wisdom that once tapped in changes the trajectory of your life! We are ALL carrying these codes of New Creation but the Womb(man) are carrying these codes to awaken the Divine Feminine in particular ways unto Mama Gaia.
The Reproductive Organs in both men and women are MAJOR players in New Earth Energies. In the Chakra Series, I explained how the Sacral Chakra is a StarGate that is bringing profound new frequencies when it comes to how we CREATE in our lives. This is the Divine Feminine in all living things. This is creating from a place of higher consciousness and Ancient Wisdom which this Portal holds. Organs within this part of the body are vital in our Metamorphosis. In this energy series, we will be Activating the Ovaries/Testicles, Bladder, Bowel, Lower Intestines, Cervix, Uterus, New Earth sexuality, emotional wisdom and intimacy to not only our partners/lovers but how we show intimacy/gentleness and compassion with ourselves. There is a DEEP trust that needs to happen for you to be completely grounded in the new embodiment happening to all of us at this time. Your body senses when you do not trust it and that energy goes deep within the cellular structure of your makeup.
Reproductive Organs Introduction
The Ovaries/Testicles: The Ovaries/Testicles hold profound New Earth frequencies of higher consciousness. This is not based on Gender because we each have this system within the body and whatever your gender these codes still need to run through your body to activate certain Light Codes within you. The children being born within the Womb Portal are POWERFUL and Soldiers of Love Frequency, hence the War on the Womb and the reason I have been speaking about the importance of the health of this Portal. This Energy Activation will not only heal but act as a protective force around your Ovaries/Testicles and only those frequencies which align with you will be given access to this StarGate.
The Bladder: The bladder is doing MASSIVE release work right now. The Bladder releases all that does not serve; especially FEAR created from our past. What old storylines are you releasing from your past that no longer serves? What Fear needs to be released through the system of the bladder? This also goes for the Bowel System.
The Lower Intestine: The small intestine, or small bowel, is a hollow tube about 20 feet long that runs from the stomach to the beginning of the large intestine. The small intestine breaks down food from the stomach and absorbs much of the nutrients from the food.

After food is processed in the small intestine, it passes into the large intestine (also called the large bowel or colon). The large intestine, which is about 5 feet long, extracts most of the water from the food and distributes the liquid to the body; the remaining material passes through the colon and out of the body as feces (stool)~https://www.seattlechildrens.org. The Small Intestine acts as an alchemist and shapeshifts the impurities in the body into usable "pure" energy. Because this is in the gut this governs our E-motions (energy in motion). The theme is the release of stuck energies such as fear, sadness, anger etc. As we ascend we will become breatharians and need food less and less so this system will need to digest physical food and be more of an energy alchemist to help us move through higher consciousness.
"The Small Intestine is responsible for receiving and making things thrive. Transformed substances stem from it."
- Su Wen, Chapter 8
The Cervix: When researching the physical functions of the Cervix through the internet all pages showed up with Cancer to the Cervix. This made me think, why were pages that explained the functioning of The Cervix all showed up speaking about the Dis-ease? This says a lot. So, I went straight to Source! This information came from Spirit.
The Cervix is the Doorway, the portal and the StarGate to the Female Reproductive System...ah, now I'm understanding the lack of information! So, the Cervix governs what enters and "alerts" but also acts as a buffer to not allow "parasites" (literally) in. This includes sperm that is not in alignment to enter through this Portal. As this is the StarGate entry many energies will attempt to enter so this is where we become mindful of "agents" that come in forms of Lover and Partners. Also, what are you feeding yourself when it comes to your Divinity? How is your connection to the Divine Feminine? What is your relationship with your body especially if you are a woman in this lifetime? Your connection to your Reproductive System plays a MASSIVE role in the theme and Sacred work you are here to ground unto Mama Tara.
The Uterus: Also known as the MOTHER. The space of all Creation! Within this Activation, I want to go deep with clearing energetic blocks to the Uterus, such as Fibroid's, Cysts. Cancer, Rape and Abuse Trauma. This will assist women who have lost pregnancies or are "infertile"as well. I am not a Doctor, I work with energy. Please see a healing professional if you need to go deeper in your healing.
New Earth Sexuality/Sensuality: New Earth Sexuality/Sensuality and Intimacy will be major themes these next few years more so than ever. How we have sex, make love, the partners we are attracted to are changing and aligning with those that are aligned with our Highest Self. Relationships/partnerships that are not in alignment are bringing up deep-rooted themes that need to be healed and/or collapsed.
You are purchasing Reproductive Organs:New Creation as a downloadable zip file. The zip file includes the introduction audio and 6 reproductive organs activation audio files. It is best to click the download link on a desktop or laptop to download and extract the zip file. If you do not have a desktop or laptop, please reach out to info@motherofstarkeeping.com for assistance.
The Stomach is where we jump Dimensions and FEEL our way through different Timelines and Realities. The stomach digests the energies streaming unto Earth and is the true or one brain of how we gauge our realities, timelines and dimensions. For most Empaths the Stomach is your ultra-sensitive indicator to decipher the messages in your reality. Our Bodies, especially the stomach are getting crystalline codes that look like diamond shape crystals within the liver, gallbladder and digestive system.
This is causing extensive pain and/or uncomfortable sensation as our Physical digestion is upgraded into one that can "digest" High-Frequency Light Codes. Your stomach is doing amazing and DEEP work to assist the jump off into New Earth. Listen to it and give it what it needs! Detox, fasting, blessing your food, eating fresh foods and food from the Earth are really important right now.
The Stomach Introduction
The Intestines: The transformers of our Sacred Medicine. It is said that the Large Intestines and the Lungs govern and process the same frequencies of grief and sadness. Because the stomach is the jumping-off point into New Earth Vibrations the stomach has and will continue to be where we feel a lot of sensations and changes. How we process our reality has changed. How we eat and take in energy has changed.
The Gallbladder: Whether you have a Gallbladder or not, the energetic imprint is still there and can be governed to "act" how you would like it to function. The Gallbladder is the organ that controls our wise judgment and our ability to break things down in our lives. We then make sense of that incoming information in order for us to ACT. If we do not have a proper handle on how to judge or make sense of things we can't properly "digest" things in our lives. What's happening is that old anger, resentment, and bitterness are being PROCESSED by the Gallbladder and it's pushing you to let it go or stay stuck. We have no choice but to let it go unless we want the organ cut out of us. I'm no doctor; I solely speak from an energetic standpoint and if you feel guided to seek alternative care please listen to your body. With the upgrade of the new HUman body our organs can't upgrade with old beliefs, fears, and EMOTIONS.
The Liver: "The liver is known as the commanding general of the body having more than 500 functions. According to TCM, it is the organ that governs a woman’s health more than any other organ. Simply put, the liver is the body’s main organ of detoxification. Everything we eat and drink is filtered by the liver including medications and drugs. The liver works very hard to keep us healthy by getting rid of what we don’t need. Our hormonal balance, cholesterol levels and weight are governed by the liver as well. The liver even possesses the remarkable capacity to regenerate itself. How amazing is that!"~ Warren Kramer
The Spleen/Pancreas: The Spleen/pancreas governs the sweetness of life and how we process JOY. This system in TCM digests worry, insecurity, anxiety, pensiveness. As this "system" switches to a higher timeline your Joy and Happiness becomes how you digest and expels/create your higher timelines; this is where you really tap into your Creator Consciousness.
You are purchasing The Stomach: The Jump Off as a downloadable zip file. The zip file includes the introduction audio and 4 stomach organs activation audio files. It is best to click the download link on a desktop or laptop to download and extract the zip file. If you do not have a desktop or laptop, please reach out to info@motherofstarkeeping.com for assistance.
The Heart Introduction
Heart: The heart to me is our second Spirit, embodied. It is a POWERFUL field of consciousness that controls our Energetic Body and the Auric Field. The Heart Chakra is the connector to the Cosmos and how we interconnect with our Star Families, Galactic Family, Different Spaceships, Planets, Galaxies etc. This is where we live multidimensionally and Interdimensionally, through the Heart. Heart Consciousness has been so attacked and skewed but the heart and the stomach are where you gauge TRUTH.
The Circulatory System: Takes old energy out and is moving in High Frequency Codes. The circulatory system carries oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to cells, and removes waste products, like carbon dioxide.
The Thymus Gland: The thymus is a little but mighty gland that governs our immune system. This is where we can access our "Healing Merkaba". Our Healing Merkaba is an extension of our energetic body, when I was shown this we can now intend this field to assist against any energies, technologies and frequencies, not for our Highest good.
Lungs: the Heart Chakra governs the Lungs. The Lungs carry our deepest e-motions such as grief, sadness, anger, rage, forgiveness that alter our decisions and puts us deep in shadow work. It also carries our deepest joys, contentment, peace, happiness, LOVE! When we refuse to forgive ourselves and others that haven't treated us the best we give power to them and the lungs have to HOLD that energy in and process it until you release it; this is what causes diseases to the Lungs and Heart. This is why the saying "forgiveness is not for them it is for you" is so important, and true.
You are purchasing The Heart: The Connector as a downloadable zip file. The zip file includes the introduction audio and 4 heart organs activation audio files. It is best to click the download link on a desktop or laptop to download and extract the zip file. If you do not have a desktop or laptop, please reach out to info@motherofstarkeeping.com for assistance.
The throat chakra in New Earth transcends what we know as Purpose. Our Purpose is wielded by our deep remembering into our past lives and what pulls us in our sacred work. Your truth/purpose wasn't birthed in this lifetime but was seeded since your choice to incarnate unto this planet many lifetimes ago. The Throat governs organs and glands that command our truth and faith on our sacred path. What is your Truth? What is your purpose here in this lifetime? What is the common thread in many of your lifetimes? Who/What keeps you away from your Truth?
Many people have major issues around speaking their truth and physical imbalances with the throat. We have lived many lifetimes suppressing our truth, purpose, power and path for not only our safety but also the safety of those we love. You may find that it is with your family that you are afraid to show who you truly are or speak your truth. Know, beloved that your chosen family are meant to be guides that bring you back into your truth, power and magic; it is you that is sent to awaken their truth/power by being embodied in yours.
The Spell Casting Portal governs our Respiratory System, Thyroid Gland, Mouth, Teeth, Tongue, and Jaw. Our head/ neck acts as a bridge to the rest of our body and if you have an unbalanced throat more than likely the energy is stopping at the neck and not making its way down to the feet and into Mama Gaia/ Crystalline Core. The throat creates through sound codes and frequencies so how you speak of yourself and your life is vital. Speak the codes of the life you want to create and anchor within your desired timeline and reality. EVERYTHING is manifesting at incredible speeds as the frequency shifts here on Earth. Be mindful here. Be brave here. Have faith in who you are and whom you are becoming. If you do not know your purpose or whom you are becoming; speak it into the Universe, she knows exactly who you are and will align you to your truth.
The Throat Introduction
The Thyroid Gland: is the spellcasting portal and also acts as a portal of Creation. The Thyroid loses its balance when it cannot EXPRESS itself and TRUTH. Are you showing up in your life completely and authentically as you? Or, are you still abiding by certain programmings, fears, belief systems that your friends, family, lovers expect you to be? An unbalanced Thyroid also shows up when we have lived past lives that we were killed, crucified, tortured, cursed etc for being ourselves. To heal and maintain balance and peace this portal needs our truth for self and realities. Because this is the Throat Chakra it governs your Self-Expression and Personal Power. In the book by Louise Hay: You Can Heal your life; Thyroid has to do with "I never get to do what I want to do", when will it be my turn and wanting to please others before ourselves.
Respiratory System: governs our sacred breath. "Represents the ability to take in life. – Breathing Problems: Fear. Not trusting the process of life. Getting stuck in childhood. Fear of taking in life fully. – Bronchitis: Inflamed family environment. Arguments and yelling."~ Heal your Life. When I started meditation many moons ago I realized I had no idea how to properly breathe and take in oxygen/prana into my cells, blood, body. Over the years I have come to realize that MANY do not know how to properly breathe in SACRED POWER into their bodies. The respiratory system works with what you take in as truth to your Soul and what must be released that does not align with your truth.
Mouth, Teeth, Tongue and Jaw: Governs the high intense light codes coming into our bodies and assisting us with how we decipher these codes. This is where our Superpower, Clairgustance comes in. Clairgustance is the ability to TASTE energy/frequencies before you put anything in your mouth, I'll go deeper in the AJNA Activation! Our mouth is a spaceship where we take in many energies and distribute them all over the body. A lot of you may have realized your sensitivity to foods in recent years and this is because as your body upgrades to a faster pulsating rhythm so does what you put inside your mouth and your mouth gives the ok with whether or not it likes what is coming in. Solar Flares, Incoming energies from Planets/Galaxies, from our Family of Light affects the mouth and makes our teeth, gums and jaw incredibly sensitive.
You are purchasing The Throat: Purpose as a downloadable zip file. The zip file includes the introduction audio and 3 throat organs activation audio files. It is best to click the download link on a desktop or laptop to download and extract the zip file. If you do not have a desktop or laptop, please reach out to info@motherofstarkeeping.com for assistance.
Ajna is the "All-Seeing" Seer and she governs your inner sight here on Earth. Along with your Crown, AJNA governs your sight in your parallel realities and the myriad of Dimensions you communicate and are tapped into. This is where DEEP trust in your Intuition comes in. When I started my journey I had such a mistrust of this portal because I was still using my linear mind to gauge a Spiritual reality. What you can think, exist and EVERY thought is created and exist in a timeline that you have to be a vibrational match to see, witness and exist within.
That's a lot right?! This is where we start to get into Multidimensional and Interdimensional living and trusting our inner knowing because there is so much more to your existence than what you see with your physical eyes. There are worlds upon worlds and Dimensions that our Star families exist within, Galaxies, Universes, that you can access if you TRUST your Ajna!
She Governs the Pituitary Gland, Pineal, Skull, Eyes, Brain, The Nervous System and Connects us to higher consciousness senses. Within this Action, we activate the "Clare's"! The Clair's are our psychic abilities that are governed by our PHYSICAL senses and each person is born with ALL these ”senses”. we may use one more predominately than the other. I call these your SUPERPOWER.
The Ajna Introduction
The Pituitary Gland: Known as the "Master Gland" because not only does it tell other glands to release and produce Hormones but it is the Master Commander post that connects us to a myriad of Dimensions, Timelines, Realities, Spaceships, Teams of Light, GOD, Planets, Galaxies etc. This is the gland that allows our connection to the Spirit Realm, Mystical and Cosmic experiences. It is connected to our Third-Eye and is the Spiritual Eye, All-Seeing Eye or what some call the "Seat of the Soul"; this is the portal to the UNIVERSE. "Through secretion of its hormones, the pituitary gland controls metabolism, growth, sexual maturation, reproduction, blood pressure and many other vital physical functions and processes."~ https://www.yourhormones.info/glands/pituitary-gland/
The Pineal Gland: It may seem that the Pituitary and Pineal are the same but physically they govern different parts of the brain. Spiritually they both govern the Third-Eye/Spiritual Eye/Seat of the Soul. "The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland in the brain, situated beneath the back part of the corpus callosum, and secretes melatonin."
Skull, Eyes, Brain: There are many directions I can take the Activation with the Skull but I want to direct it in the direction of the viscerocranium. "The viscerocranium bones form the anterior and lower regions of the skull and include the mandible, which attaches through the only truly motile joint found in the skull. The facial skeleton contains the vomer, two nasal conchae, two nasal bones, two maxilla, the mandible, two palatine bones, two zygomatic bones, and two lacrimal bones". What does that mean right?! The Viscerocranium governs the structure of your face, among other things! I have been researching this on myself and others for the last 3 years when I really started to notice that my whole face changed in structure as I tapped in more and more into high vibrational frequencies my whole body started to change, hence why I wanted to do this program. Within this Activation, we are going to assist the Viscerocranium to shapeshift our face and hold High Vibrational Light Codes.
The Eyes: The Eyes are the windows to the Soul and the eyes are activating in PROFOUND ways. I have looked into people's eyes and automatically get activated in major ways. I've also looked in the eyes and get a scan of who they are; hence why you may see a lot of people begin to wear sunglasses! The Eyes are quite intense with the frequencies they are holding.
The Brain: "The Brain is the most complex part of the human body. This three-pound organ is the seat of intelligence, interpreter of the senses, initiator of body movement, and controller of behaviour. Lying in its bony shell and washed by protective fluid, the brain is the source of all the qualities that define our humanity". ~https://www.ninds.nih.gov/Disorders/Patient-Caregiver-Education/Know-Your-Brain. I talk a lot about the brain and how it is changing to accommodate our New Human Bodies. With our Bodies changing the Brain and how it is wired to think and accommodate the Organs and systems of the body HAVE to change. This is the massive metamorphosis happening within the next few years.
The Clair's are our Spiritual and emotional SuperPowers that are instilled within us to decipher our realities here on Earth.
The "Clairs" Introduction
CLAIRVOYANT: "Clear Seeing"
CLAIRAUDIENCE: "Clear Hearing"
CLAIRGUSTANCE: "Clear Tasting"
CLAIRALIENCE: "Clear Smelling"
You are purchasing Ajna: The Seer as a downloadable zip file. The zip file includes the introduction audio and 5 third eye organs activation audio files and a "Clairs" introduction audio and 6 "Clairs" activation audio files. It is best to click the download link on a desktop or laptop to download and extract the zip file. If you do not have a desktop or laptop, please reach out to info@motherofstarkeeping.com for assistance.
The Crown is the Alchemist that connects us to higher Chakras/Portals of New Earth. New Earth already exists within us and is accessed through your energy/vibration and higher mind. From this portal, we see just how multidimensional we truly are and that we are "returning" to a vibration that is governed through our mastery of SELF. You cannot exist and live in higher embodiment while still holding on to your limitation and making sense of it with your mind. Higher Timelines doesn't use "sense", it takes inner wisdom and knowledge that you are an ancient being from the Stars and you hold within you Universal Consciousness.
The Crown governs our Higher mind, the Spinal Cord, Brain/Brain Stem, Pain Centre and Nerves. The Spinal Cord is our Information highway and compartmentalizes the frequencies coming down into the Systems, Organs, Blood and DNA of the body; activating our Light Body.
Some of you may have noticed that in the last few months the pain, stiffness, uncomfortable sensations in the body have reached new heights as we go through DEEP transformations with the Body. Our Nerves Centre at times may feel inflamed and sensitive especially with the Sun's POWERFUL Activation's, the Morphogenetic Field rising on Mama Tara and the Planets within our Solar System sending/emitting Crystalline and Diamond Light Frequencies to assist. What does all mean? In the next few years, we are going to see the morphing of our bodies like never before and this will awaken a lot of people to REALLY seeing the limited perception we were made to think about our bodies and their capabilities. You are going to Shapeshift as you've never shapeshifted before! Get ready for your face, body, skin, beauty, limbs, hair, eyes, senses ALL changing; you may be seeing this in yourself and others already!
The Crown Introduction
The Crown: Activation will be connecting and calling in our Higher Self to morph and become ONE with our physical embodiment. When we download energies from higher chakras it comes down and goes within our Spine which is the information highway and when the energies get intense our back/spine can become very sensitive
The Nerves: will feel super sensitive and almost like its inflamed as we process our very sharp, high voltage frequency upgrades. This Activation is to sooth the Nerves and clear the debris, stuck energies, for smooth downloads.
You are purchasing The Crown: The Alchemist as a downloadable zip file. The zip file includes the introduction audio and 2 crown organs activation audio files. It is best to click the download link on a desktop or laptop to download and extract the zip file. If you do not have a desktop or laptop, please reach out to info@motherofstarkeeping.com for assistance.
This is a hot topic right now and you will find that many Healers/Teachers of New Earth are not speaking on it for this very reason. A lot of people are caught up in Fear, Illusions and are not thinking or creating from their Highest aspect but I need you to know that EVERYTHING is happening for a reason.
I haven't spoken a lot much about the Vaccine but within this recording I'll go deeper with what's going on for the next step(s) in our Revolution and Evolution. This Activation will be for those that have and have not taken the vaccination.
The Vaccine Introduction
You are purchasing The Vaccine: New Earth as a downloadable zip file. The zip file includes the introduction audio and 2 activation audio files. It is best to click the download link on a desktop or laptop to download and extract the zip file. If you do not have a desktop or laptop, please reach out to info@motherofstarkeeping.com for assistance.

Buy the Whole Series!
This is a zip file of the complete series of the Siriun Code: Body of New Creation. This series includes: THE MORPHOGENETIC FIELD AND THE AURIC FIELD, THE BODY: "REGENESIS",
It is best to click the download link on a desktop or laptop to download and extract the zip file. If you do not have a desktop or laptop, please reach out to info@motherofstarkeeping.com for assistance.
These are High Frequencies Beloved and it does/will affect your body/energy. Please take your time with these Activation's and DO ONE AT A TIME! The Morphogenectic Field Activation can be used daily preferably in the Morning and ONE body track later in the afternoon/evening/night.
When listening to ONE track you can listen 1-3 times (to begin) based on the healing that is taken place with that body part. If it feels like you are not "feeling" the energy transmission then you can go higher 6-9 times. Please use discernment and listen to your body
While listening you can lay down or sit in a quiet space that you will not be interrupted.
Drink a glass of water with liquid Chlorophyll (if you have it) and a glass of water afterwards.
If you fall asleep this is normal! Your body is shutting down your conscious mind that might get in the way of the healing taking place; allow yourself to sleep or be in deep rest.
If you can, visualize that body part and communicate with it, place your hands with deep love and appreciation for that part of your body.
Before doing ANY healing always state your INTENTION! What do you want these healing frequencies to do for you and your body.
Anyone can listen to these Activation's. If children are listening you can also explain to them what this does and make it fun for them!!