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March 20th, 2025 // 6-9PM EST.

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Can you feel the change in the Air? Magic and Divine Alchemy is afoot as we step FULLY into a new energetic New Year! It is a breath of fresh air from the very intense and somnolent energies of the last few months.

As we arrive on the precipice of a New Era, we welcome in a New Astrological Year (Aries Season) and a Vernal Eclipse. We are in the energy of a year NINE (integrating new templates, endings and beginnings in all areas of our lives) along with the MASTERFUL and deeply Healing energy of Snake medicine means that our Ascension Journey has blasted into another Dimension. We have been waiting for these times. For some, it has been years in the making and the Equinox is a momentous portal to begin fresh as the old thaws away what no longer serves!




I am being called to continue my work with Snake and Dragon Medicine as we call in New Star Families to aid in our deeply transformative year ahead. Clearing, Healing and Seeding the New Timelines will be themes for this year’s Equinox Ceremony. We have been mastering ourselves, our gifts; even our Shadows this last year, and this poignant year has all the Planets aiding in our Sacred Weaving. Within this container we will journey to meet the parts of us that are ready to be witnessed, loved and RELEASED. Then calling in our Highest timelines that are ready for integration. Over these past few years, I have been studying the Nervous System and the role it plays in Manifestation and if the Nervous System senses any type of intentions rooted in fear, lack or low-self worth/ power it will not weave what you want it to; it will weave your greatest sense of LACK because that it your deepest resonance.  We work with the Nervous System and RECEIVE its deepest wisdom. We transmute to receive new codes of creation.


 Please join me for this PHENOMENAL evening with other Wisdom Weavers and a Sound bath to close the evening! I will be alongside Makai Livingstone (Meditation Facilitator), Aisha Lesley Bentham (Food as Thy Medicine) and Janine Berridge-Paul (Sound Bath) for this Special Ceremony.


Family, this will be my first in-person Ceremony in almost 5 Years in Toronto!!

TORONTO I am here for a short visit, please come out if you can!! My online community, you know I would never leave you out, I have a LIVE STREAM container for us to be together for our Annual Equinox Ceremony!!







20 Leslie Street #302 Toronto, ON

M4M 3L4 Canada

Upon clicking the payment button, you will be redirected to Eventbrite to make payment & finalize your reservation.

sliding scale $55 - $83 CA Dollars.


You will receive an email with a download button/link after payment.

Click the Download button/link to download a PDF file containing a description of the event and the Livestream link.
The energy/transmission is evergreen and can be experienced at any time. 

$45 US Dollars.


held on Sunday, February 16th, 2025 at 4PM EST


Hi Beloveds!

We have made it into 2025 after a life changing ROUGH 2024 for MANY!


I know for many Starseeds, including myself 2024 was a year of MASTERY and Karmic clearing in all areas of our lives. I know most of you experienced shifts around your relationships, health, location, work/sacred career and your Purpose as many were on the verge/if not experiencing Burnout and loss of hope that things were ever going to change. At the beginning of 2024 I spoke about the end of an Era and Timelines for many Starseeds as the last few years have been years of Spiritual Initiations, transmutation, mastering of our realities, paradigms, timelines as we navigated many different Dimensions simultaneously. We are coming out of a HUGE initiatory ERA. As we enter a Year Nine, we continue the Metamorphosis of our lives and continue to have faith that we are on the precipice of radical shifts and transformation in our Person and Collective Lives.

We are only two months into the Year and they are MASSIVE changes happening within this realm and MANY realms of Space and Time. I am sure you are feeling the INTENSE energies affecting your Health, Beliefs, Work, Family and relationships right now, giving us a glimpse of the year ahead!

One of the Downloads I have been receiving from Source Creator is that you have MASTERED so many of these embodied experiences that are showing up and you do not have to continue to experience these experiences, keeping yourself tied to old loops. This year many will be stepping into new levels of TRUST and FAITH.

Each year I do an Instagram Live speaking of some of the themes that I am picking up for the year and I've been right on it with many of the themes we experienced last year. As Seers and Oracles I think it is our Divine duty to aid and assist for the Highest and Greatest Good of ALL. We have entered a New Galactic Era Beloveds.  This Year I would love to invite to a FREE GATHERING!

We will discuss some themes that we are already witnessing within the Collective and our Personal Lives. What does 2025 look like for the Starseeds? What is happening Astrologically? Discussions of Mental Health, Star and Galactic Families of Light, AI (Ancestral Intelligence), and so much more!





There will be no Preparation PDF package as this is not a Healing Ceremony! Look out for the Annual SPRING EQUINOX CEREMONY!!

So much Love Starseeds!

I hope to see you there!! You do not want to miss this!!


Solar System

Catch the Replay

The New Spiral Mind:
Lion’s Gate Activation Replay

Held on Sunday, August 11th at 6pm EST


Divine Starseeds,


I am so happy for our ANNUAL Co-Creation for this EPIC and MASSIVE Stargate alignment,


As I was downloading the theme and energy for this year’s Lion’s Gate Ceremony, I got a flu (Frequency Light Upgrade) and cold “bug/reset” that completely took me out and all I could do was sleep and rest and DOWNLOAD! This happens EVERY year and when it does, I know it is GO TIME for the biggest Ceremony of the year!!


 When I asked the Divine what they would like me to cover, heal and activate; I heard “We are in the second phase of the “New Earth Project”. I knew what this “New Earth Project was, I have been speaking on this for YEARS. We are entering a new Era where we are living and grounding within a New Earth Template of Consciousness. Within this Ceremony they would like me to discuss the upgrade of the RNA DNA sequence that we are currently experiencing. We are going to open the body’s portals to the rainbow codes of New Cosmic Life Frequencies.


Some themes that I will be addressing in this Ceremony are: 


  • The Golden Dragons of New Earth and what they are assisting us with in this new paradigm.


  • Next Steps in the “Human/Starseed Ascension” 


  • How to “bring down”, use and activate the Rainbow Spiral Codes of Nu Creation


  • The “Web” and how to use this Ancient Healing Technique for Metamorphosis and Full Body Regeneration. Working with Mama Anansi 


  • Opening up New Pathways within the body that assists with creating your new realities from a “New Mind.” 


The Lion’s Gate energy begins during the Sirius alignment of July 3rd-7th. Earth aligns with the Planet Sirius and opens up a Stargate of high Siriun frequencies streaming unto Earth. As most of you know the Siriuns are the Star Beings that Created and formulated the intricate Human Body Design along with the Galactic Federation of Light. Within this portal, we are getting “switched” on in ways we have never been switched on before. June is the “setup month” that assisted with the preparations of getting us energetically ready for this massive surge of energies, to be honest, I think this YEAR has gotten us ready for this influx of Activations. This Siriun Portal gets us prepared for the GRANDMOTHER of energies coming through as the LION’S GATE from August 8th-12th. 


What is the Lion’s Gate and why is it such a powerful time of Co-Creation, Healing and Metamorphosis?


The Lion’s Gate aligns Earth to our Galactic Center forming a grid that opens up high frequency Crystalline, Diamond and Rainbow frequencies to assist with our upgrades and Transformation. In the sign of powerful Leo (Lion/Lyran) we also see the alignment to our Spiritual Sun, Sirius, and the Orion’s belt. This opens up a MASSIVE portal that aligns the Pyramid of Giza’s frequencies of ANCIENT Multidimensional and interdimensional Codes unto Planet Earth. This Gateway is no joke and as most of you know this time of the year is MASSIVELY INTENSE, you are probably feeling it effects already.


This is an “all hands-on deck” when it comes to our Spiritual Teams weaving this Stargates potency.  Not only is the Galactic Federation of Light which includes the Siriuns, and Lyrans energy really prevalent during this time but we are also aligning with the Orion’s Belt opening up Universal frequencies beyond the 12 Dimensions of Space and time. This time is for the WARRIORS and MASTERS of New Earth.  This time of year, is for the STARSEEDS!


July will be an intense month as we welcome the DAY OUT OF TIME on the 25th and the GALACTIC NEW YEAR on the 26th. I have attached a Ceremonial preparation guide for our Ceremony that will assist with preparing your energy for this Epic Activation.


I look forward to spending this time with you Starseeds as we make our intentions CLEAR for what we want to Create within New Earth and what we are leaving behind that no longer serves. Begin your intentions NOW beloveds, these energies of July into August will assist with the amplification. These activations will be for the body’s new template. We will turn on the DNA’s (RNA)

Fullest expression as we clear old, distorted belief systems and thoughtforms that keep us capped in the loop of 3D illusions. For some of you, this is a deep initiation into the new, while for others this will be a profound healing journey that propels your consciousness into a completely new paradigm. Thank you for entrusting me with Ceremony for this magical and Sacred Gateway.


Welcome to the LION’S GATE Ceremony! 

Northern Lights

Pay what you can!

You will receive an email with a download button/link after payment.

Click the Download button/link to download a PDF file containing a description of the event and the replay link.
The energy/transmission is evergreen and can be experienced at any time. 

Prices are in US Dollars.

Eris: The Reckoning
Astrology Ceremony Replay

Held on Friday, June 21st at 4pm EDT

Eris Astrology Ceremony Promo (1).png

During this unique class we delved into the significance of Eris in Astrology and examined the profound and revelatory impact it has on global events, activism and the collective. We gave particular focus to the conjunction between Chiron and Eris which will exact in March 2025, but is already applying in 2024. 

In astrology, Eris is the archetype of discord, chaos, and disruption, and has a similar role to Pluto. Eris was discovered in 2005, and is named after the Greek goddess of strife. Eris' placement in a birth chart by house or aspect can signify areas of life where one may experience conflict, challenge, or upheaval. However, the purpose of this "chaos and discord" is to create radical and revolutionary change by not being afraid to "upset the apple cart."

Eris cycles are extremely long - 558 years to orbit the Sun and around 120+ years per sign - therefore most people alive at this time have Eris in Aries, where it will remain until 2048. For this reason Eris has a more impactful collective role and influence rather than personal unless you have specific Eris aspects in your natal chart. However, by house placement we can all understand where life is calling upon us to show up, speak out and roar. 


We are the paradigm-shifters, activists and divine disruptors.  

Eris is Dark Feminine bad-ass energy and the spirit and mythology of Eris can be likened to other powerful feminine figures such as Kali and Durga in their ability to be catalysts of change through destruction of old, outworn and limiting paradigms and perspectives. These are the spiritual gangsters of rebirth, the underworld and showing up as the wild, untamed and “dark” feminine that we have been made to believe is dangerous, harmful and that needs to be contained. We are in a time of deep spiritual reckoning and the planet Eris shows us that the spiritual is deeply political, and by understanding Eris' role in the fray it can empower us to step righteously into our rage, be heard and make a meaningful difference. Eris is here to assist the change-makers, activists, and the ones who are making physical and spiritual changes for the liberation of all. 

We are being called to harness, wield, and transform chaos into the tapestry of our highest alignment. We are experiencing the effects of the Death and Rebirth cycles, giving the old versions of ourselves the grieving and death they deserve as we transform everything we have learned over the last 20 years into mastery. These are alchemical times—deep cellular purging times. Call-to-action times. 2024 has been, and will continue to be, a cycle of profound changes as we embody higher timelines. We may have done and continue to do the work, but stepping courageously into a new frontier of consciousness is not for the meek. It is for those who have sacrificed everything that has kept them limited, oppressed, and in fear to birth a new era.

Katie will open the Eris ceremony by guiding you through the long-term cycles of Eris and the collective impact that major transits to Eris have had and continue to have in the midst of times of unrest and revolution, and how we can work consciously with the Eris archetype. Then Natoya will then guide us in the second part of the Ceremony, where she will take you on a Sacred Healing Journey with Light Activation to clear old/worn-out Cellular and DNA templates that keep us in cycles of chaos and destruction, going to the root/lifetimes of the Eris wound to release grids, loops and timelines that have run in your lineage for lifetimes. As you Heal this within yourself, you free your Ancestors and the pain and harm that they have had to endure as well. 

In this 2 hour class and ceremony, we:

  • Learned about Eris as the "10th Planet" and the mythology of this archetype as the "Divine Disruptor"

  • Explored Eris Cycles to uncover personal and collective meaning

  • Received practical tools from an Astrologer to support you during the upcoming Chiron/Eris conjunction in 2025

  • Went on a Journey to the Past Lives that have contributed to any threads/patterns of chaos, strife and discord in your approach to your own Aries house

  • Natoya used her powerful Mother Tongue (cosmic light language) to go deep within the Cells and DNA to heal and transform the templates within your body and consciousness

  • Worked with the Lyrans, Arcturians, Siriuns, Pleidians, Andromedans and our well Ancestors to collapse these patterns of Harm

What makes our Astrology Ceremonies special is that they offer an opportunity to not only learn astrology, but it integrate and embody the deeper evolutionary lesson of the planetary archetype and your personal relationship to it through sacred ceremony and ritual.

We enjoyed connecting with you on Summer Solstice in this sacred space Natoya and I have curated to journey with Eris, the Divine Disruptor!

Here's what some more students and attendees have been saying about our previous astrology classes and ceremonies:

🌙 "I absolutely loved the class! I love the way Katie taught and explained Astrocartography and her energy is amazing!" - Jeanette

🌙 "Natoya is a profoundly compassionate visionary that holds phenomenal power. To be in her presence is a remembering of the Whole Self in a wild and yet gentle way. MOSK is a thoughtful culmination of this energy with the added benefit of heart-centered community that we can learn from and honor." - Kristen


🌙 "I signed up to Katie's online eclipse classes and the series was amazing! I really resonated with her energy and voice, and how she explains and shares her knowledge. It was so reassuring for me to hear her guidance on the 6th house transit of that particular eclipse, to see the undercurrent of energy in my life start to manifest and support my everyday life in more meaningful ways." - Ash

🌙  "Katie's class on the Midlife Transits was brilliant, and really helped me find a sense of peace in the chaos of these epic and life-changing transits. Thank you Katie for teaching in way that makes astrology simple to understand and embody for a novice like me!" - Lucy

🌙 "MOSK has opened me up to new innerstandings and opened me up to things that are still unfolding. The tools Natoya gives accelerated me in ways I can't explain and I am infinitely grateful for! She is here to awaken the Masters, the Priestesses, the Healers, the WayShowers, and the Leaders of New Earth and beyond. The Sacred container she made made sure we felt safe and supported as we experienced our transformations. This is a co-creation that I will now apply to everything I put my energy into. I sing praises and infinite gratitude for this Mystery School and what it has revealed in me! I Love and appreciate you SiStar!" - Shashu

Rotating Cloud

Pay what you can!

You will receive an email with a download button/link after payment. Click the Download button/link to download a PDF file containing a description of the event, the presentation, and the replay link. The energy/transmission is evergreen and can be experienced at any time. 

Prices are in US Dollars.


Spring Equinox Ceremony Replay:

The Rise of the “Dark” Sacred Feminine &

 Activating the Abundance Codes

held on Sunday, March 24th at 6pm EST




Happy New Year and Welcome to our annual Spring Equinox Ceremony!!


As we enter a new Astrological Year, we celebrate the dawn of a new Era! The Starseeds stretch and awaken to their alchemy and shapeshift into the next version of themselves, prepared to embody the Light Codes for the immense continued energy streaming down onto our planet at this time, changing the energetic grid of EVERYTHING we have once known. This is a profound time to be alive; truly. This year I sense profound support for the awakened Starseeds. We have always been supported and assisted in ALL ways; however, this cycle feels immensely different. We are ready to RECEIVE in all ways that assist us on our divine trajectory and if we are building/creating/teaching, which we are, our Divine Star Families are coming through with the support in financial, physical, and spiritually ways I have never seen and felt before. 2024 is calling on the Ascended Leaders to please STEP UP!


As we are entering a New Year and cycle, many are coming back online very slowly as we take the cloak of last year energetics off and reflect on the lessons, experiences, and downloads. It was an INTENSE cycle and I know for myself and many we are needing some support of ease, rest, and a different energetic grid for this New Year. Many will say that the Spring Equinox is when the cycle of 2024 really begins with its specific theme. This year brings the frequency of 8, which embodies Abundance, Unity Consciousness, Leadership, and Success in all forms. This year/cycle we end the struggle and align with the prosperity of Spirit and wield this in our physical realities. We, Starseeds have been through it. It has been physically, mentally, and even Spiritually rough these last few years and many are ready for a reset and loving upleveling that supports our dreams and creations. I have been working with Sacred Geometry for a few years, especially within MOSK and for this Equinox Ceremony I want to work with the Abundance codes within our DNA. What better time to accelerate our Divine Codes of Abundance?!


This goes hand in hand with the second half of this Ceremony as I call in the Dark Feminine God/Goddesses as this will be a MAJOR theme this year as well.


What is the “Dark Sacred Feminine”?


This is an innate wisdom and way of being for all of us who represent the Divine Mother. This is where we tap into our alchemy and create with the rubble of patriarchy. You can see this alchemy all around us with everything happening in our world. The rage to break old toxic, patriarchal paradigms built on oppression, greed, and the enslavement of people, resources and land. You see this awakening in the dismantling. She is the Sacred War burning everything down and returning equilibrium and equal rights to all. She is working with the babies and children to open the eyes of the collective that was once closed. It is Sacred rage and grief and through this activated heart portal we create anew built on truth, love, equality, and higher consciousness of ONENESS.


The Sacred Dark Feminine shows up within everyone and everything on this Planet. She is the ability to walk in your truth and create from your heart, unapologetically. Do not be afraid of your POWER. As she burns it down, she builds it back up anew. The dark cannot exist without the light and vice versa. How does that look when we release the bondages of the past in how we and our power have been oppressed and suppressed? She is calling her Warriors forward at this time; can you hear her?


This Equinox I call in the Dark God/desses of the Divine Mother God for a transmission unlike anything I have done before. I call on her councils of, Kali, Hecate, Medusa, Mother Mary, Auset, Sekhmet, Pele, Thoth, the AKAN, and Council of NINE. I am hearing, awaken them to their Divine Birthright so they may remember the FULLNESS of their Authentic Power and Love. You are being called into sacred responsibility and duty unlike anything you have done before. Let’s bring in this new year and show the world how we have done with the Divine Mother/Feminine leading the way with the support from her Divine Masculine.


Ceremony is this Sunday, March 24th at 6pm EST!

Tin Wall

Pay what you can!

You will receive an email with a download button/link after payment. Click the Download button/link to download a PDF file containing a description of the event and the replay link.

The energy/transmission is evergreen and can be experienced at any time. 

Prices are in US Dollars.


Rotating Cloud

Pay what you can!

You will receive an email with a download button/link after payment. Click the Download button/link to download a PDF file containing a description of the event, the presentation, and the replay link. The energy/transmission is evergreen and can be experienced at any time. 

Prices are in US Dollars.


The Return of the
Dragon Codes Ceremony REPLAY!

Held on Sunday, February 18th at 5pm ET


Divine Starseed,


The DRAGONS are coming in HOT! 


Starseeds have always worked with the Divine Dragons of Mama Sophia. This is magic that goes beyond time. Just as they are many different Galaxies, Planetary Systems and Dimensions, Dragons have existed within these realms for eons.


In many ancient cultures, dragons were even the seraphim’s serpent, "reptilians" (we will speak more on this) that stood next to GOD and assisted those traversing within different realms and dimensions. They are fierce protectors and guides. "Death" workers have worked with dragons to bring the spirit of the newly deceased persons spirit into different timelines, realms, and dimensions. They are beautiful protectors of those traversing the Astral Plane, upon Death and Rebirth. When I was introduced to my Dragon Teams of Light they guided and taught me how to navigate all the Multidimensional Planes in which I would be teaching and traversing within my Mystery School. They made sure I understood how to JUMP dimensions while still in my body; this has been a sacred practice I’ve been sharing but now I am being asked to go a bit deeper within this Ceremony. The main message is that they are here to assist with embodying a new frequency where you can now work with them more intently and intentionally. They resonate on a high frequency where many who are still resonating on the frequency of Fear will not be able to tap in. This Ceremony is for those that have no fear and remember these gentle giants as friends and divine family of higher dimensional light and love.


Those of us tapped into multidimensional embodiment know that the dragons have been fierce protectors and guides since Lemuria/Mu, Ancient Kemet, Alcyone and so many more. There’s a deep purpose for the “attention” on these mystical creatures this year, I’m not going to say the return because, well, they’ve always been here. We will journey into the realms of the Dragons and get introduced to your Sacred Guide(s).


The Dragons are bringing in a completely new frequency of consciousness and for many of you reading these words YOU are the caretaker and wielder of these tremendous codes of light. 


Some Divine Guides who are/have been working with the Dragons and their Benevolent energies are; Hecate, Pele, Kali, Auset, Mother Mary, and Mary Magdalene, (shocked?!) AA Michael, Andromedans, Lyrans, and Siriuns (working with Sun and DNA). We will be calling on these Dark Goddesses and Light Teams to activate our Divine Remembering! You may have begun working with these teams of light within the past few months to years within your Meditation practices and Dreamtimes!


Join me this Sunday as we jump off Ceremonial Season!


We call in the Dragon Clan TO BURN IT ALL DOWN. 


Within this 2-hour ceremony we will begin with guided messages from Mama Sophia’s Sacred Dragon, Hecate, Kali, Mother Mary, Auset and from the Council of NINE, joining them the AKAN Council! 


The second half of ceremony, you know we go deep within the healing activation. I am being called to work with the DNA and Cellular Metamorphosis, awakening the body to work and ground these ANCIENT Dragon Codes.

See you Sunday, February 18th at 5PM EST! Recordings will be available

Sending you all so much love!

Image by Kyle Wilson

Pay what you can!

You will receive an email with a download button/link after payment. Click the Download button/link to download a PDF file containing a description of the event and the replay link.

The energy/transmission is evergreen and can be experienced at any time. 

Prices are in US Dollars.

Lion's Moon Ceremony Replay

Took place Tuesday morning, August 8th at 12am ET


Blessings Divine Starseeds!

This ceremony will activate:

  • Soft and easeful energy 

  • A way of breathing into the cells/ regenerate 

  • Sacred codes to assist the earth body

As Mama Tiamat and the Sirius Star System of Divine Alchemy align with the pyramid of Ancient Kemet to form a Sacred geometric pattern that activates the body’s unique Merkaba pattern, we know we are in the portal of the LIONS GATE! 

The LionsGate portal is a deep initiation (if you choose) to download incredible light codes within the mitochondria of the cells for radical shifts and upgrades in your body and your life. 

Within this LionsGate Ceremony we not only work with our Cosmic Ancestors but we join the force of the night to bring you a SOFT and EASEFUL integration of these sacred alchemical codes of divine light. 

“All portals in actuality are open now,” says the Siriun Council. We use divine alignments within your solar system to “switch on codes” you were created with by the Divine Source Creator. This is not new. This is the time that YOU have written. So we assist by priming the body for Divine change and transformation that YOU are ready to embody. It is written and so it is done. 

One of the main messages that I have been receiving from the Councils of Light is our need to take it easy within these highly activated times. Slower breath, intentional mindfulness, embodied presence, slow steps/movements and a new way of breathing light into our bodies for optimal balance and health. 
Join Jen and I for this year's Lion's Gate Ceremony! 

Solar System

Pay what you can!

You will receive an email with a download button/link after payment. Click the Download button/link to download a PDF file containing a description of the event and the replay link. The energy/transmission is evergreen and can be experienced at any time. 

Prices are in US Dollars.

Healing the Mother Wound with the Moon & Pluto
Astrology Ceremony Replay

Took place Tuesday, June 20th 5-7PM ET.

astrology ceremony promo.png

Hi, Beloveds!
Welcome to Healing the Mother Wound with the Moon and Pluto Astro Ceremony Replay!! I am excited to have offered this sacred space with my dear friend and sacred colleague Katie Emma!
In this event, Astrologer Katie Emma opened this ceremony by taking you into the underworld realms of the Moon and Pluto in-aspect, also known as the "Hades Moon" placement.
Hades Moon in the Natal Chart:
In astrology, the Moon represents our emotional nature, and Pluto is our psyche, shadow and soul's evolution. When these two planets are drawn into a connection with each other (conjunction, square, opposition), issues of power, manipulation and control can arise and are frequently played out through the "mother wound". This aspect is often passed down through the matriarchal line of the family - though you do not have to be female to carry this karmic signature. When you have a Hades Moon in your natal chart, you become all too familiar with loss, rejection and feelings of abandonment and unworthiness due to the psychic hold this aspect can have over you, until you break free from these karmic shackles by confronting your deep-seated fears and your shadow. 
Do you also have your Moon in Scorpio or your Moon placed in the 8th house? These are also considered Hades Moon placements. 
Hades Moon in transit:
Not everyone is born with a Hades Moon - but every person will eventually experience a Hades Moon transit at some point in their life when transit Pluto is conjunct, square or opposite their natal moon. This is a 2 year transit where intense and extreme emotional changes have the power to heal and transform you by breaking generational curses and establishing a powerful psychic and intuitive connection within. Consider this transit an internal reorientation from psychological wounds and patterns inherited from the parents, allowing you to heal, transform and be reborn.
In this ceremony we:


  • Explored the relationship between the Moon and Pluto in both the natal chart and via transit

  • Understood the "devouring mother" archetype - a common manifestation of the Moon Pluto aspect and how it impacts the mother/child relationship

  • Practical tools from an astrologer to support you when you are moving through this deeply transformative cycle

  • Went on a Journey to the Past Lives that have contributed to the thread/pattern of power, control and trauma when it comes to the Mother Wound

  • Natoya used her powerful Mother Tongue(Cosmic Light Language) to go deep within the Cells and DNA to Heal and transform the templates within your body and consciousness

  • Worked with the Lyrans, Arcturians, Siriuns, Pleidians, Andromedians and our well Ancestors to collapse these patterns of Harm 

Healer and Activator Natoya guided in the second part of Ceremony! She took you on a Sacred Healing Journey with Light Activation to clear old/worn-out Cellular and DNA templates that keep us in a perpetual Mother Wound Loop. 
We are the Cycle Breakers. 
In these times of our Human Evolution, we must work with the Stars to guide our Healing Journey. Working with the Powerhouses of the Moon and Pluto when we speak of the Mother Wound is a profound shift in consciousness and how we are transmuting ourselves through issues surrounding Power, Control and Trauma. This goes Cellular and DNA Deep. We offer love and compassion for the beautiful container we have shared with our Mothers while doing the critical work to break cycles of pain and harm. We will go to the ROOT/Lifetimes of this wound to trigger the release of grids, loops and timelines that have run in your Lineage for lifetimes. As you Heal this within yourself, you free your Ancestors and the pain and harm that they have had to endure as well. 
You will receive an email with a download button/link after payment. Click the Download button/link to download a PDF file containing ceremony preparation instructions, the replay link, integration instructions, and a summary of the topics discussed.
Prices are in US Dollars.

Abstract Flame

Pay what you can!

You will receive an email with a download button/link after payment. Click the Download button/link to download a PDF file containing ceremony preparation instructions, the replay link, , integration instructions, and presentation notes. The energy/transmission is evergreen and can be experienced at any time. 

Prices are in US Dollars.

The Journey of the Spiral Light!
Spring Equinox Ceremony Replay

This ceremony took place March 19th from 5-7PM ET.


Blessed Equinox Ceremony!


The Spiral energy of Nu Creation is a new energy signature/encodement that is now being streamed onto Earth for the upgrade and metamorphosis of the Nu HUman potential. This new DNA code sequence carries the Rainbow and Crystalline encodement to upgrade the DNA into its fully functioning 12-strand DNA sequence. What this is doing to the body is PROFOUND. It is essentially making us “superhumans” who can navigate MANY different realms of Space and time which means how we create, manifest, heal, and access our DIVINITY are all changing in profound ways. 


What I am hearing from Spirit is, the time has come for the next layer of Upgrades to the Human Body. This will propel you into your new life, a new path, and a new energy pattern of Nu Earth. This Ceremony is for those READY for their “NU BEGINNING”. 


I am guided in this Equinox Ceremony to open these codes further into your body so you may ground these new codes within your Organ, Cells, and DNA. We will clear and activate the potential of your organs to carry new codes of light. Open the higher Chakras and ground this energy in your physical body easily and effortlessly. What I see happening is many people are capping these new frequencies at the neck, causing an overdrive of the brain and Nervous System. This brings on symptoms like headaches, unbalanced equilibrium, blurry vision, dizziness, and a general feeling of overwhelm within the body. Now, these symptoms are natural and needed for our Ascension Journey, we will be receiving assistance to CARRY and embody these frequencies in a way that is helpful to our bodies.


We will be guided by The Nuburians, The Galactic Federation of Light (Siriuns, Lyrans, Arcturians, Andromedans, Antares, Akan’s, Alpha Centurians), The Council of NINE, Elohim and of Course Mother/Father GOD Creator of ALL.  


I AM looking forward to being your GUIDE and Mentor for this POWERFUL Equinox Ceremony!


Welcome, to the Journey of the Spiral Light!

Image by Pawel Czerwinski

Pay what you can!

You will receive an email with a download button/link after payment. Click the Download button/link to download a PDF file containing ceremony preparation instructions, the replay links, the Spotify playlist, the PowerPoint Presentation, and integration instructions. The energy/transmission is evergreen and can be experienced at any time. 

Prices are in US Dollars.

Solstice Blessing

June 21st, 2022

WhatsApp Image 2022-06-22 at 12.40.13 AM (1).jpeg

Blessed Solstice!

Beloveds, I wanted to share a blessing that I received in my Rising Meditation!


 This Solstice Blessing comes through as a hug and support from the Divine Source Creator of ALL. That is how I felt when receiving and downloading this beautiful transmission. We’ve been going through it individually and as a Collective the intense purging of our Leylines and Grids that hold old Karmic distortions and energies that now need to be released. Karmic grids from past fears, worries, doubts, old thought patterns and beliefs that are now being cleared so the new can now be activated and turned on within you. This means MAJOR Detox symptoms and system rewiring of your Organs, Nervous System, and DNA.  Intense is an understatement for what we are going through right now, but please know that you are SUPPORTED and cared for immensely.


 I would love to hear your feedback on these recordings. How do you feel? What came up? Where in your body do you feel resonance?


 Also, our next big Ceremony is the LIONS GATE!! My favourite time of the year! I absolutely LOVE working within this POWERFUL Portal and this year I am doing a Ceremony! It will be PWYC (pay what you can) and that will be up for you to register within the next few weeks. Space is limited and it will be first come that have access to the LIVE event. The recording will be available. 


 I see you, Warriors of the Divine.


 I send you so much love, and courage and intend that these recordings and writings lend you so much support Starseeds,


 In the name of the Most HIGH, ONE.





Solstice Blessing

00:00 / 11:08

Anchoring of New Earth

00:00 / 07:41

DNA Activation

00:00 / 04:50

Welcome Transformation

00:00 / 06:01


00:00 / 02:31
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